Choosing A Type Of Turf In Melbourne

Different types of turf, after all, are actually completely different species of grass, with differing growth rates and soil requirements. Analysing the type of garden each landscaper wants, what it will be used for, and how much available time will there be to care for it will be key.
Low-Maintenance Resilience: Kikuyu Turf
Kikuyu is a common choice of turf Melbourne, thanks to its low-maintenance and speedy growth. It does not require complex fertilization schedules or expensive growth supplements in order to develop, and it regenerates easily after being stomped upon. This makes it a favorite of stadiums, playgrounds, and public parks, as well as a good investment for families with pets or kids.

Tall Fescue: A Premium Quality Deep Green
Although it first travelled the world because of its use as grazing fodder, tall fescue has become a popular choice as a turf in Melbourne beyond those who seek to feed their sheep. Its unique green shade, thin leaves, and bundled growth make it ideal for Japanese-style gardens and for elaborate landscaping. It grows best in cooler or dark areas. Its only significant disadvantage is its high water consumption: although unlikely to survive a growth, it will resist the moist conditions surrounding an artificial pond or lake.
King's Pride Buffalo: Year-Round Softness

On the other hand, King's Pride is a locally developed variety that is quickly becoming a favorite turf in Melbourne for its remarkably soft leaves. In addition, it has been adapted to local weather as to require less water, and it's small thatch makes it easier to mow. While pricier than other Buffalo alternatives, its resilience means it can compensate for its initial cost easily.
Santa Ana Couch: A Family Friendly Alternative For Summer

Depending on the amount of direct sunlight, traffic, and budget of each landscaping project, the choice of turf will vary. Whether a landscaper is looking for a sturdy layer of greens for a play pen or a delicate and stylish statement, there is a type of turf that will be ideal for the project.